A Special Series brought to you by Jeffrey Lewis

bee*ing #2 Uses the Golden spiral as a base with a triptych of complimentary colored scenes. Movement is amplified with bold gestures of form and color.

bee*ing #3 Complimentary colors, a hexagonal shape at the center and split-colored periphery spheres, give form to implied movement and rotation through color. The honeybee at the center representing a golden harmony to the surrounding frequency and tones achieved through color with an ode and nod to Metatron. Click for more

bee*ing #4 A triptych, using bold complimentary colors and strict geometrical patterns, associated with the Golden spiral in the placement of Saturn, Sun, & Moon to suggest Evolution. A golden honeybee represents the future potential & harmony of Man amidst the chaos of growth through Evolution. Hinting at duality in the physical plane with the black & white honeybee on the far left, surrounded by complimentary colors, suggestive of Nature in the form of a flower.

bee*ing #5 “As above, so below”, predominates the theme that hints of Hermes Trismegistus and the ancient text of the Emerald tablet. The God Mercury can be seen suggested at the center of the piece in the flower stems. ☿ Complimentary colors highlight the geometry and playful Nature and rhythm of the golden honeybees with its surroundings and the flower that aids in bringing love within and throughout the community of the hive.

bee*ing #6 Geometry, complimentary colors, and the overlapping Golden spiral through the placement of honeybees help to relate the minimized perceptions of the senses on the physical plane and the need for vision using left & right brain activity to capture the influence of both matter & spirit.

bee*ing #7 Geometry, complimentary colors, and the overlapping Golden spiral through the use of the placement of honeybees help to relate the minimized perceptions through the senses on the physical plane.

bee*ing #8 Harmonics, complimentary colors, cymatics, and the halving of the circle mix frequencies, wavelengths, pattern, tone, and color to achieve an understanding of Unity. Honeybees hint at movement and the duality on the physical plane while simultaneously highlighting the struggle to combine thinking as a sense perception, using left and right brain activity with properties associated with both matter & spirit.

bee*ing #1 overlaps elements of the pentagon with the hexagon, using complimentary colors to create a rotational movement. 3 honeybees cross the center as a trinity.